Amsterdam Nightlife Terms & Conditions

Amsterdam Nightlife

Icons-2 Event organization

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Terms & Conditions

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Terms & Conditions

Article 1 Definitions

In these Terms and Conditions, the terms listed below have the following meaning, regardless of whether they are used in the singular or the plural:

1.1 Event: organized Event, including but not limited to representations of artistic and / or sporting nature, or theater, theatrical or musical performances, concerts and / or musicals.

1.2 User: natural or legal person who buys tickets for an Event organized by The New Event (Amsterdam Nightlife).

1.3 Terms of Use: these terms and conditions for the purchase of tickets for Events organized by The New Event (Amsterdam Nightlife) by User; Intellectual Property Rights: all rights to intellectual property and rights associated therewith, such as copyrights, trademark rights, patent rights, design rights, trade name rights, database rights and neighbouring rights, as well as rights to know-how and performances on a par with such rights.

1.4 Ticket: Entry ticket for an Event organized by The New Event (Amsterdam Nightlife).

1.5 Service charges: the costs The New Event (Amsterdam Nightlife) charges to the User to purchase a ticket.

1.6 The New Event (Amsterdam Nightlife) office is located at Herengracht 499, 1017BT Amsterdam.

Article 2 Purchase Ticket.

2.1 If a User wants to purchase the ticket, User must go through the ordering process. During the ordering process, the User will provide the certain information needed to complete the order. User guarantees that this information is accurate, current, and throbbing.

2.2 If the User has purchased a ticket at The New Event (Amsterdam Nightlife) , the User can download the ticket immediately upon payment by the officiating website. The User receives a confirmation of the fact that he bought the ticket within 60 minutes to the email address provided by him. This confirmation provides the User with another opportunity to download the Ticket.

2.3 If, in relation to the operation of the order system problems have occurred, the User can contact The New Event(Amsterdam Nightlife) via the contact form on the serving website.

2.4 User acknowledges that the use of tickets and access to Events further conditions of The New Event (Amsterdam Nightlife) may apply.

2.5 The New Event (Amsterdam Nightlife) points User out that the purchase of tickets relating to leisure activities in accordance with the Dutch law Article 7: 46i paragraph 3 of the Civil Code so on User does not have the right to terminate the agreement without giving any reason referred to in Article 7: 46d of the Civil Code. Even if this would not relate to leisure activities, User can not terminate the contract because the purchase of a ticket is performed directly with the consent of the User. Under Article 7: 46d of the Civil Code and 7: 46i paragraph 5 below 1 of the Civil Code, in that case the User has no possibility to terminate the contract without giving any reason.

2.6 The delivered tickets are owned by The New Event (Amsterdam Nightlife) and to the User comes the proviso that it is not permitted without prior written permission of The New Event (Amsterdam Nightlife) to:

  1. to sell to third parties OR Tickets otherwise commercially in directly or indirectly to third parties.
  2.     to the offer the tickets in any form of commercial expressions or otherwise refer to the tickets.
  3.     if a situation as aforesaid under 1. or 2. occurs, the New Event (Amsterdam Nightlife) will make the ticket invalid; Holders of those relating Tickets will be denied entry to the Event, without the right to any form of compensation.

2.7 Only the name holder of the ticket will have legitimate access to the events.

2.8 The New Event (Amsterdam Nightlife) reserves the right to set a maximum number to reserve / purchase tickets. Reservations / purchases that exceed this limit will be adjusted or will be made undone.

2.9 The New Event (Amsterdam Nightlife) does not accept liability for any damages incurred by User as a result of the unavailability of tickets and / or otherwise inaccurate and / or false information about the availability of tickets as well as the data changes and cancellations of the Events.

2:10 User may only use coupons and / or vouchers if the opportunity is offered during the ordering process. The corresponding coupons and / or vouchers are only legit when issued by The New Event (Amsterdam Nightlife).

2:11 The New Event (Amsterdam Nightlife) at all times reserves the right to refuse orders from Users.

2:12 In case of any measurement taken by the government which causes the participating locations/events to be closed, you will receive a value voucher that can be used within 2 years from the purchase date.

Article 3 Cancellation or displacement Event

3.1 The New Event (Amsterdam Nightlife) reserves the right for cancelling its organized Event / move if necessary to standards of reasonableness and fairness. Including, but not limited to, economic incentives and / or force majeure.

3.2 Force majeure is understood to include: war, threat of war and riots, restrictive measures, both domestic and foreign governments, the death of one or more members of the royal family, serious calamities, fire, strikes, failure and damage to equipment and equipment of the operating systems, obstruction / strike of public transport, flooding, sabotage and in general all unforeseen circumstances both  in the Netherlands and abroad, as a result of which compliance with the Agreement can not reasonably be expected more from the New Event (Amsterdam Nightlife).

3.3 The New Event (Amsterdam Nightlife) does not accept liability for damage caused by cancellation or postponement of an Event and the quality of the Event and / or the location where the Event is held.

3.4 If and insofar the Event is cancelled, The New Event (Amsterdam Nightlife) will never reimburse more than the ticket price, provided that it is demonstrable compliance with the New Event (Amsterdam Nightlife). The fees paid by User for the services of The New Event (Amsterdam Nightlife) will not be refunded. The New Event (Amsterdam Nightlife) accepts in such a case never liable for any direct or indirect incurred (on) costs and / or expenses and / or any other damage that may suffer User.

Article 4 Warranties and indemnities

4.1 The User indemnifies the New Event (Amsterdam Nightlife) for claims of third parties based on the assertion that the User by using the officiating website of The New Event (Amsterdam Nightlife) activities carried out in any way unlawful.

4.2 User guarantees that when purchasing tickets:

  1. no robots, spiders, scrapers will be used or other applications

which bring about in some way other than with the ordering software intended actions.

  1. no applications will be used to monitor the system software and / or copy the system.

Article 5 Payment

5.1 User pays the given prices as reported by The New Event (Amsterdam Nightlife) on the serving site. For the purchase of a Ticket service costs will be added to the original ticket price.

5.2 The prices include the legal VAT unless otherwise stated. The mentioned prices are allowed to change without notice. The price indicated in the order process is binding.

5.3 The New Event (Amsterdam Nightlife) accepts no liability in respect of errors in the order of tickets, for instance with regard to the number of tickets and / or type of Event. It is not possible to cancel tickets or exchange without a Nightlife Ticket insurance (see Article 10.1).

5.4 If The New Event (Amsterdam Nightlife) has decided to refund the amount paid for a ticket, it never concerns the service costs.

5.5 The system software of the officiating website of The New Event (Amsterdam Nightlife) is secured so that abuse of your data can be excluded with a reasonable degree of certainty.

Article 6 Interruption order options

6.1 The New Event (Amsterdam Nightlife) has the right, without notice and without being liable to compensate the User to shutdown the system software (temporarily) and / or to limit its use if necessary, in its view, for example: in context the reasonably necessary maintenance of the software and / or website.

6.2 The New Event (Amsterdam Nightlife) is entitled, without any prior notification, procedural and technical changes and / or improvements to the system software.

Article 7 Privacy

7.1 While using the officiating website and ordering software, User will provide (personal) information to The New Event (Amsterdam Nightlife). This information will be stored and processed in accordance to the Data Protection Act without prior authorization. This information can not be provided to third parties unless, The New Event (Amsterdam Nightlife) is bound to do so by law or in defence of its rights.

7.2 If the User explicitly gives The New Event  permission, this information will be used for commercial purposes, including processing for direct marketing purposes. These processing operations can also be performed by third parties. User has the right to oppose the processing for commercial purposes and direct marketing purposes. At first request, The New Event (Amsterdam Nightlife) will immediately terminate this form of processing.

We can inform you about new products or services:

  • by e-mail
  • by SMS / text messaging
  • Whatsapp
  • via social media
  • by phone

Article 8 Intellectual Property Rights

8.1 Nothing in these Terms of Use is intended to transfer any Intellectual Property Rights to the User. The use that the User can make of the officiating website and ordering software is limited to what is described in these Terms of Use. User will not perform any acts that may infringe the Intellectual Property Rights of this, and / or its licensors, such as registering domain names or brands which are similar or identical to any object on which the New Event (Amsterdam Nightlife) and / or its licensor (s) can rest Intellectual Property Rights.

Article 9 Conduct

9.1 User will always adhere to the prescribed rules of conduct and in relation to the Event for which Tickets are provided by The New Event (Amsterdam Nightlife).

9.2 The New Event (Amsterdam Nightlife), the security staff, other personnel and / or the police are authorized to search the User prior to the Event on the possession of unauthorized items and / or resources and to take them away, after permission is granted or if there is a suspicion in the sense of Article 27 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. If the requested permission is not granted, The New Event (Amsterdam Nightlife), the security staff, other personnel and / or the police still have the right to refuse the suspicious person access. Confiscated objects and / or resources will be returned to the owner after the Event if possible unless they are legally prohibited articles.

9.3 The New Event (Amsterdam Nightlife), security personnel and other staff retain the right to deny access to  visitors who arrive after the start of the Event.

9.4 The New Event (Amsterdam Nightlife), security staff and other personnel at all times reserve the right to make audio and/or sound recordings of the Event. User who is aware of the above and agrees with the above, now approves the right to oppose the use of his portrait/likeness in connection with the publication and reproduction of those recordings.

Article 10 Cancellation and termination

10.1 If you have purchased the Nightlife Ticket insurance, you can cancel the tickets up to 4 hours before the start date of your ticket without reason. However, this is only an option for insured tickets. The purchase price will be fully refunded, insurance costs will not be refunded. This will then be deducted from our administrative costs.

10.2 Each party has the right to terminate the purchase agreement if the other party culpably fails to fulfil its obligations under these Terms  and as detailed as possible to have received a written notice of default in which a reasonable time period to remedy the shortcoming attributable deficit remains in breach of its obligations under these Terms of Use.

10.3 The personal offers / add-ons and VIP upgrades are insured and secured with the Amsterdam Nightlife Ticket insurance. Cancellation is possible under the insurance conditions (4 hours in advance). Customers have the right to experience all purchased experiences, upgrades and extra’s.

10.4 By The New Event (Amsterdam Nightlife) for work performed dissolution and the related payment obligation will not be subjected to cancellation in the Event of dissolution.

10.5 Notwithstanding the provisions elsewhere in these Terms of Use, The New Event (Amsterdam Nightlife) terminate the Agreement to purchase tickets directly, without judicial intervention and without being liable for damages towards the User, to dissolve and cancel reserved tickets, if:

  1. User fails to meet its payment obligations;

User to view The New Event (Amsterdam Nightlife), has committed fraud, false

payment data have provided a payment withdraws or if the New Event (Amsterdam Nightlife) otherwise noted irregularities.

Article 11 Amendment Conditions

11.1 The New Event (Amsterdam Nightlife) reserves the right to change these conditions. The changes take effect at the time of placement of the new conditions on the New Event website (Amsterdam Nightlife).

Article 12 Governing law and jurisdiction

12.1 These Terms of Use and the use of the The New Event (Amsterdam Nightlife) officiating website and ordering software is governed by Dutch law.

12.2 All disputes between the User (if the User is a consumer) and The New Event (Amsterdam Nightlife) will be submitted to the competent court in the district of residence of the User, unless mandatory law provides otherwise. In the case of disputes between Users, other than a consumer, and The New Event (Amsterdam Nightlife), all disputes will be submitted to the competent court in Amsterdam.

12.3 Are these Terms of Use partially invalid, then the User and The New Event (Amsterdam Nightlife)kept bonded to the remaining portion. The New Event (Amsterdam Nightlife) will replace the void part by provisions that are valid and have legal consequences, given the content and scope of these Terms of Use, correspond as much as possible with those of the invalid part.