Amsterdam may not be the most expensive tourist destination in Europe but it stands not so far behind the likes of London and Paris. If you are on this page, then you must be one of those people that make all the necessary preparations in advance to ensure that all aspects of a trip have been taken into consideration.
Like any other major capital or city, Amsterdam has its own City Card. If you are unfamiliar with this particular type of product, it usually grants access to all the major landmarks, museums, and tourist attractions, in addition to other perks for a fixed price that goes way below the money you would have to pay if you visited each place without a card.
The I Amsterdam City Card in particular costs €65 for 24-hours. What it includes will be discussed below. Before we get to that, however, we have to announce that soon, the I Amsterdam City Card will be available for purchase through us at a significantly discounted price – €65,-
Since the very, beginning, our mission has been to make the tourist life in Amsterdam as affordable and memorable as possible. Now, the discounted I Amsterdam City Card will become the latest addition to our many services. If €15 does not sound like much, think about it as an extra meal that you can later consume or a couple of lovely cocktails at one of the great clubs at night.
When you take that the Amsterdam Nightlife Ticket which gives you free access to the majority of the best clubs and venues for two days costs just €10.
We will also discuss the GVB day ticket which is the cheapest alternative if all you need is public transport but you can read about this at the end of this article.