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High on Life 22/03/2025
High on Life at Ijland!
"High on Life" is more than just a musical concept. It's an experience, a celebration of energy, joy and the unrestrained spirit of electronic music. This project represents a wide spectrum of electronic music, where every DJ / live set tells it's own story but it fits into a bigger narrative of pure, unadulterated life force.
This journey is designed to keep you engaged, uplifted and fully immersed. Each set will carry you, pulling you into a state of euphoria where the pulse of the music becomes your heartbeat. It's a reminder that sometimes, the best high is the one that comes from within.
Music: House. Trance Line-up: Amme. Blunt. Ella Noar. Elotranc. Stef Davidse and more Dress Code: Casual Age: 18+ Event Time: 14:00 - 00:00
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High on Life 22/03/2025
Ajoute 1 Événement Spécial par jour à ton #Amsterdam_Nightlife_Ticket# gratuitement.
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